Category Archives: New Media

Raspberry Pi Camera sends Pictures to ownCloud

Of course, there are many variants to take pictures with your raspberry pi camera and save them somewhere.

I use my raspberry pi camera to observe my flat when I am away. I want to do this in a as secure way as possible, i.e., I do not want to open any special ports on my router nor do I want to send unencrypted images over the web.

Inspired by  my idea was to take a photo every 5 or 10 minutes and save them to my ownCloud server via WebDAV with SSL encryption.

Step by step:

1.) Make sure you have a raspberry pi with a camera module and an owncloud installation reachable over https  somewhere out in the web (with picture app activated).

2.) Mount your owncloud drive on your raspberry pi: Create the directory /home/pi/owncloud  and add the following line to fstab:

https://[]/remote.php/webdav/ /home/pi/owncloud davfs rw,noexec,noauto,user,async,_netdev,uid=pi,gid=pi 0 0

then mount the drive by calling mount owncloud/  or by calling echo -e “y” | mount owncloud/   if your server has a self-signed certificate as mine has.

3.) My idea is to take a picture, say, every 10 minutes, and take them for 24 hours with any need to remove them manually. So, write a script like the following, name it “” and make it executable:

filename="/home/pi/owncloud/myflat_$(date +%H%M).jpg"
raspistill -o /home/pi/image.jpg
mv /home/pi/image.jpg $filename

4.) Set up the crontab by calling crontab -e  and add the following line:

*/10 * * * * /home/pi/

5.) You are finished. Raspberry pi will take every 10 minutes a photo and save them to your ownCloud where you have a beautiful picture viewer that you can access wherever you are on whatever for a device.

Transition from Google Reader to Feedly to Tiny Tiny RSS (via Google Reader)

As Google Reader tells me since a few months, “Reader will not be available after July 1, 2013. Please be sure to back up your data.”, I looked for a new solution to read all my feeds. After a googling for a second, I thought to have found the solution: Feedly.

I was happy with Feedly until I saw a tweet mentioning Tiny Tiny RSS as alternative to Google Reader. So I downloaded and installed Tiny Tiny RSS on my own server. Installation procedure went easy, but how to get in all my feeds…

As Feedly provides any export functionality, I had to export my feeds from Google Reader and to add manually feeds added since the transition from Google Reader to Feedly. To import to Tiny Tiny RSS you need to activate the plugin “googlereaderimport” to import starred items and “import_export” to import all other feeds.

On my Samsung Galaxy S3, I have installed the Tiny Tiny RSS app. Its a great app that do exactly what I want, and it is also possible to take unread feeds offline.

To conclude, there is one main reason to use Tiny Tiny RSS in favor of Feedly, namely the data sovereignty (“Datenhoheit”). It is as more important to me as you are not even able to export your data from Feedly.

Happy RSSeading!

Organizing life with Samsung Galaxy S3

My life is organized as following:

A) I have dates/appointments.
B) I have todos.
C) I take notes.
D) I have contacts.
E) I save bookmarks.
F) I share files.

I want all this to have in sync on all my devices, i.e. currently on my

  • [MBP] MacBook Pro (OS X 10.8)
  • [S3] Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android OS 4.1.2)
  • [iPod] iPod Touch 4th Generation (iOS 6).

I have the following cloud based solutions for…

I have owncloud installed on my own server. The apps I use are iCal (MBP), S Planner (S3) and Calendar (iPod). Together with the S Planner I have installed CalDAV-sync beta to work with owncloud via CalDAV protocol.

Astrid is great for todo lists. I use the Astrid app (iPod, S3) and the web app (MBP).

Gnotes is a powerfull and easy to use service to take notes. The Android app (S3) is really great and a little more powerful than the iOS app (iPod). The web app (MBP) is also a bit restricted, but easy to use.

For contacts I use Contacts (MBP, iPod, S3). To sync with owncloud I use CardDAV-sync beta.

This service is great to save and share bookmarks across all my devices. On iOS there is the bitly app (iPod) and on the other devices I use the (mobile optimized) web app (MBP, S3).

Dropbox is essential for file sharing across devices and for uploading photos taken by S3. On the mobile devices (S3, iPod) I use the dropbox app and on the desktop (MBP) the app as well as the web app (MBP).